Nicky's Rigging & Marine Services
I have known Nicky Sammut since 2015. Nicky knows Amels. He has inspected and worked on the rigging of all Amel models from the Maramu to the 64. he has sailed as a crew on Amels. Nicky has installed upgraded Bamar furlers on 54s. Nicky is one of the best riggers for Amels in the Mediterranean. Malta is an excellent location for a haulout before an Atlantic Crossing. Regardless of the age of your rigging, every owner should have a complete rigging inspection before the crossing.
When you contact Nicky by phone or email, tell him you are a Yacht School Client. You will receive a 10% discount on rigging inspections and labor.
I received the following from an SM owner in June 2023 (prices have increased since this):
"Nicky told me the net price (including discount) for a Super Maramu rig change is usually between 1500 and 1700 €. It depends on how stuck things are, whether or not extra parts are needed, and how much the owner assists. I assisted Nicky, and my costs were:
- ACMO Complete standing rigging* with bronze inserts 12553.63 €
- Nicky's labour cost was 1500 € ex VAT (I was his full-time helper).
"Nicky is great. I recommend that Amel owners make the effort to see him. It will be worth the effort, and they won't be sorry. The only call is that Nicky works very hard. If the owner plans to assist, they too should plan on working hard." ~ Frank & Kylie Schley SM 367"
"Hi Bill, I just got done having our rigging changed by Nicky, who sent his regards.
He is a fantastic and rather tireless rigger!, we did it in 2.5 days. I learned a lot, and he is a pleasure to work with. He strikes a remarkable balance between efficiency, focus, and amiability. Great guy, fair price, and exceptionally competent. Thanks for the recommendation." ~David & Shelly Bruce SM 423
* Be sure to get a current bid from ACMO. See this webpage:
Nicky's Rigging & Marine Services
Vat no. 1881-2224
Mobile +356 79271668